Feature Requests
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Run an inventory report for a specific date or date-range
Have the ability to see the inventory on a past date or date range.
Stephanie Platania#Improvement π#Reporting π38
Bundling & Kitting
Allow for components and finished products to be tracked organically and not by using the folder structure.
Stephanie Platania#New Feature π26
Option to make fields required
We have at least half a dozen custom fields that we report on. To make it easier when my team is filling out the custom fields, it would be helpful if they couldn't complete the Item information without filling out all the required fields. Without that stopgap, we miss entering in details and are unable to have accurate reporting.
Taylor A#Improvement π#Deal Breaker π21
Public URL to provide to people outside of Sortly
The ability to use a public URL that will show customers/clients a user's inventory without having to log in.
Stephanie Platania#New Feature π14
Create Custom Label Sizes
Allow for different label sizes that what is currently allowed
Stephanie Platania#Improvement π24
Cost Field
It would be great if we could see the cost field as well as the price field, so that we can see that difference in the reports.
Anonymous Puffin#Improvement π18
UNDO action
Please add an UNDO action or icon so that a user can quickly reverse a move action.
Karel L#New Feature π41
Possibility, to translate Sortly App and Web app into multiple languages.
Andreas K#New Feature π#Mobile π±#Deal Breaker π10
Custom ID vs. Sortly ID (SID)
Allow users to create their own ID for items instead of the Sortly ID (SID)
Stephanie Platania#New Feature π#UI/UX π¨4
Integration with POS
Allow users to integrate a POS system with Sortly.
Stephanie Platania#New Feature π#Integrations π5
Maximum Levels with Alerts
Just like Min Levels, allow for Max Levels
Robert B#Improvement π#Reporting π2
Tracking live shipping status of items
Would like to see what is the live shipping status of items I may have ordered so that I can know when they will arrive.
Test H#Improvement π#New Feature π#Integrations π0
Automate Purchase Orders
Send an automatic purchase order to a supplier/vendor when amount is low/below X number
Bas#Improvement π0
Date-Based Alert Calendar
Create a a calendar/schedule that clearly shows all date-based alerts
Ornella Di M0
Update items via bulk import
Add the ability to update items via bulk import. An example of why this would be important is for a cycle count or a stock take.
Stephanie Platania#Improvement π44