Feature Requests

Suggest and upvote your preferred features, and explore our most recent product releases.

  1. Integration with POS

    Allow users to integrate a POS system with Sortly.

    Stephanie Platania
    #New Feature 🆕#Integrations 🔗


  2. Run an inventory report for a specific date or date-range

    Have the ability to see the inventory on a past date or date range.

    Stephanie Platania
    #Improvement 👍#Reporting 📊


  3. Bundling & Kitting

    Allow for components and finished products to be tracked organically and not by using the folder structure.

    Stephanie Platania
    #New Feature 🆕


  4. Responsive Folder Panel

    Some of our folders have long names. It would be nice to be able to resize the section to allow me to see the entire name without scrolling to the right to see the name of the folder.

    Riley Hendrickson
    #Improvement 👍


  5. Update items via bulk import

    Add the ability to update items via bulk import. An example of why this would be important is for a cycle count or a stock take.

    Stephanie Platania
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Option to make fields required

    We have at least half a dozen custom fields that we report on. To make it easier when my team is filling out the custom fields, it would be helpful if they couldn't complete the Item information without filling out all the required fields. Without that stopgap, we miss entering in details and are unable to have accurate reporting.

    Taylor A
    #Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔


  7. Multilinguality

    Possibility, to translate Sortly App and Web app into multiple languages.

    Andreas K
    #New Feature 🆕#Mobile 📱#Deal Breaker 💔


  8. Create Custom Labels with Specific Information

    Allow users to create labels with specific information or remove default information that is included on the labels.

    Stephanie Platania
    #Improvement 👍


  9. New Beta Pick Lists: scan a barcode of an item/s to add it to an open pick list instead of current search & add option from a mobile device.

    I believe this would be a quicker way to add item/s and quantities,

    Dennis L
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature 🆕#Mobile 📱


  10. Pick list: New status option "Shipped"

    Having a new status option for one step ahead of the "Complete" status. This will help with keeping a log of what is completed but in hold for dispatch and what has actually left the site. Also will be helpful with looking at the pick list page to be able to filter out shipped jobs

    Paul S
    #Improvement 👍


  11. Customize Dashboard

    Allow users to customize what content is shown on the Dashboard.

    Stephanie Platania
    #Improvement 👍#Reporting 📊


  12. Custom display of fields on item tiles (grid), lists, and tables on dashboard

    Currently, there aren't a lot of ways to customize how the items on the dashboard looks. It would be great for customers to choose what they want to display, including replacing the units and pricing with other information.

    Charlotte W


  13. Create Custom Label Sizes

    Allow for different label sizes that what is currently allowed

    Stephanie Platania
    #Improvement 👍


  14. Cost Field

    It would be great if we could see the cost field as well as the price field, so that we can see that difference in the reports.

    Anonymous Puffin
    #Improvement 👍


  15. Change unit of measurement for an existing item

    Allow users to change the unit of measurement for an existing item rather than having to recreate it

    Stephanie Platania
    #Improvement 👍
